Construction Material Weights

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Weights of Building Materials

When estimating dead laods for the purposes of design, it is always better to use the actural weight of materials and constructions being used. In the absence of definite information, values satisfactory to the building official may be assumed. StructX has provided weights of commonly encountered materials for this purpose. It should be remembered that there can be significant differences between materials and manufacturers and a conservative approach should always be adopted.

Material Name Thickness (mm)/Qty Density (kN/m3)

Additional Resources

  1. Anupoju, S. (2019). Density of different construction materials. The Constructor Civil Engineering [blog article]. Retrieved from
  2. Civil Engineering Portal. (2017, June 11). Unit weight of materials used at construction site. Retrieved from
  3. Daily Civil. (2017, June 11). Unit weight of building materials. Retrieved from Retrieved from
  4. Eberron Unlimited. (2011, August 12). List of materials used for construction (p.7). Retrieved from
  5. FAO. Rural Structures in the Tropics. Design and Development. Rome. 2011. Print.
  6. H.J. Eldridge. Properties of building materials. Lancaster, UK. 1974. Print.
  7. S. Rk. Weight of Building Materials: Civil Engineering Guide India. India. 2019. Print.