Friction Coefficients - Slab on Grade

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Static Friction Coefficients

The friction coefficients considered below are for static friction cases where two solid surfaces in contact with each other are resisting relative lateral motion. It should be noted that there can be significant differences between static friction (typically higher) and kinetic (sliding) friction

Amontons's Laws of Dry Friction

  • First Law: The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.
  • Second Law: The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.
  • Third Law: Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity.
Material Combinations Coefficient of Friction μs
Material #1 Material #2 min. max.

Additional Resources

  1. Armstrong, Richard C. Engineering And Design: Revision Of Thrust Block Criteria In TM 5-813-5/AFM 88-10, Vol 5 Appendix C. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center, 1992. Print.
  2. Foundations And Earth Structures. Alexandria, VA.: Dept. of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1982. Print.
  3. Potyondy, J. G. "Skin Friction Between Various Soils And Construction Materials". Géotechnique 11.4 (1961): 339-353. Web.
  4. Author Unknown. (n.d.). Coefficient of friction. Retrieved from
  5. Fine Software. (n.d.). Table of ultimate friction factors for dissimilar materials. Retrieved from
  6. J. Gao, W.D. Luedtke, D. Gourdon, M. Ruths, J.N. Israelachvili, U. Landman. Frictional Forces and Amontons' Law: From the Molecular to the Macroscopic Scale. Atlanta, Georgia. 2003. Feature Article, Print.
  7. J.R. Barber. Multiscale Surfaces and Amontons' Law of Friction. New York. 2012. Original Paper.
  8. Scribd. (n.d.). Friction coefficients-slab on grade [uploaded by Jason Toralde]. Retrieved from