Metals/Alloys - Melting and Annealing
Assumptions and Limitations
New materials are being developed every day and new alloys are no exception. Whilst the table below can be used as a general guideline to some of the physical properties of commonly encountered metals and alloys in the structural engineering world it is advisable to confirm details with the supplier or manufacturer.
Melting Point
The melting point of alloys depends on the exact chemical composition and can vary with the addition of alloy agents. Unlike pure metals most alloys do not have a single melting point, but instead a melting range starting with a solidus phase in which melting begins and a liquidus phase where the melting is just complete.
Annealing Temperature
Annealing is used to soften alloys to make them more workable or in some cases to increase there strength by taking some of the brittleness out of the material. Typically the material is heated up to its annealing temperature and held for a given amount of time or allowed to cool slowly.
Additional Resources
- Akbarnejad, E., Ghorannevis, Z. , Abbasi, F., and Ghoranneviss, M. (2016, December 17). Investigation of annealing temperature. Journal of theoretical and Applied Physics. (2017, March). Volume 11(1), pp 45-49. Retrieved from
- All Metals & Forge Group. (2019). Melting point of metals & alloys. Retrieved from
- Al-Qawabah, S.M.A., Alshabatat, N., and Al-Qawabeh, U.F. (2012). Effect of annealing temperature on the microstructures [PDF file]. Retrieved from
- Annealing Carbon Steels. (2019). Instructables. [Upload by Takeitfromablacksmith]. Retrieved from
- Author Unknown. (n.d.). Heat treatment of steel. Retrieved from,degrees%20and%201500%20degrees%20F.
- AzoM. (2002, January 2). Stainless steel-heat treatment. Retrieved from,while%20considering%20fine%20grain%20size.
- AzoM. (2003, February 11). Titanium Welding and Heat Training. Retrieved from,for%20the%20Grade%205%20alloy.
- Calmet. (2017). Annealing of cold rolled steel. Retrieved from,a%20reduction%20of%20internal%20stresses.
- Chin, H.S., and Chao, L.S. (2013, September 24). The effect of thermal annealing processes on structural and photoluminescence of zinc oxide thin film. Retrieved from,in%20the%20thin%20film%20melted.
- Dodsworth, H. (n.d.). CZ129/CW611 N [PDF file]. Retrieved from
- G. Pottlacher, K. Boboridis, C. Cagran, T. Hüpf, A. Seifter, B. Wilthan. Normal Spectral Emissivity Near 680 nm At Melting And In The Liquid Phase For 18 Metallic Elements. Austria, Netherlands, Germany ans USA. 2013. Article.
- Gode, Y. (2019). Melting point of steel [blog article]. Science struck. Retrieved from,2600%2D2800%C2%B0F).
- Grotts, F. (1921). The heat treatment of steel. (Professional degree theses). Missouri University of Science and Technology. Retrieved from
- H. ChandlerHeat. Treater's Guide: Practices and Procedures for Nonferrous Alloys. Materials Park, OH :ASM International, 1996
- Hamilton, N. (n.d.). Annealing. [PDF file]. Retrieved from
- Herring, D.H. (2004, December). Thermal processing: heat treatment of cast irons [PDF file]. pp. 23-26. Retrieved from
- Jaypuria, S.K. (2009). Heat treatment of low carbon steel [PDF file]. Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Retrieved from
- Marlin Steel. (2015, September). What is the temperature range for 304 stainless steel vs. 316 vs. 330? Retrieved from
- Materion Corporation. (2011). Heat treating copper beryllium parts [PDF file]. Retrieved from
- Materion Corporation. (2011). Heat treating copper beryllium parts [PDF file]. Retrieved from,temperature%20may%20cause%20grain%20growth.
- Matweb. (2014). Metallurgists of BCF [chat forum]. Retrieved from
- No Author. (n.d.). Aluminum Bronze and related terms. Retrieved from,at%20620%E2%80%93670%20%C2%B0C.
- No Author. (n.d.). High-carbon steels and related terms. Retrieved from
- P.A. McQuay, V.K. Sikka. Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001. Print.
- Plansee. (n.d.). Chromium. Retrieved from
- Prajapat, C.L. and Rao, T.V.C. (2019, August). Tailoring of magnetic properties of Co films by vacuum annealing upto 800°C. Materials Science for Energy Technologies. Volume 2(2), pp. 345-348. Retrieved from,reported%20by%20Kai%20Wang%20et.
- Rawdon, H. (1917). Technologic papers of the bureau of standards No. 103 [PDF file]. Retrieved from
- Rogowski, J. and Kubiak, A. (2015, January). Effects of annealing temperature on the structure and electrical properties of tungsten contacts to n-type silicon carbide. Materials Science and Engineering. Volume 191, pp. 57-65. Retrieved from,of%20tungsten%20reaction%20with%20SiC.
- Subramaniam, M.P., Arunachalam, G., Kandasamy, R., Veluswamy, P., & Hiroya, I., (January 2018). Effect of pH and annealing temperature on the properties of tin oxide nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Volume 29(1), pp 658-666. Retrieved from,SnO%2Do)%20were%20formed.
- Thornton, I., Radu, R. & Brush, S. M. (2001). Lead the facts. Retrieved from
- Total Materia. (2006, September). Practical heat treatment of magnesium alloys. Retrieved from,F%20(340%C2%B0C).
- Total Materia. (2003, September). Heat treating of gray irons part one. Retrieved from,Medium%20(full)%20annealing.
- Total Materia. (2003, September). Heat treating of gray irons part one. Retrieved from,Medium%20(full)%20annealing.
- Total Materia. (2003, September). Heat treating of gray irons part one. Retrieved from